
Showing posts from May, 2018

8th Blog Assignment

1.) I would say that my project is almost done, all I have left to finish is the editing of the video and that'll be about it. 2.) I have both videos and photos of my project documented, since my project is a video tutorial it would make sense to have video progress of my work. 3.) My video will be published to youtube and I will share the link once the video is completed. 4.) I've had the opportunity to work with a few friends on the project and teach them about basic plumbing which has been a fun experience and tells me that I'm doing my job correctly. 5.) I don't have any questions in particular, a good bulk of my work is already completed all I have left to do is edit and publish the video to YouTube.

7th Blog Assignment

1.) I'm creating a video on basic soldering techniques involving copper piping. 2.) The only thing standing between me actually working on my project is buying the materials and finding a camera I can use in order to record. I will also most likely need the help of a friend with recording and editing. 3.) I was planning on documenting my supply shopping trip along with taking photos and bloopers from the recording process and adding that to the end of the video. 4.) I will publish the video to my YouTube account and I will share the link with the class. 5.) The process in total won't take up too much time so I haven't really put in too much progress yet but I'd say I'm about 20% done with my project. 

6th Blog Assignment

1.) For the first step of my passion project I went to the hardware store and bought plumbing supplies, I also enlisted the help of one of my friends who will be doing the recording while I preform the demonstration. 2.) I haven't changed my original idea for the project but I think I will add links in the description on where someone could purchase the products used in the video. 3.) In the next few weeks I will start the recording process but in this time I will be brushing up on the Massachusetts plumbing code so that when the time comes I only give the correct, up to date information.